by Paul Russo
Attendees: Christopher Backhouse, Tim Doody, Lynn Garren, Chris Green, Chris Jones, Kyle Knoepfel, Rob Kutschke, Marc Paterno, Brian Rebel, Paul Russo
Issues 12395, 12406, 11415, 11416, 11894, and 12236 were resolved.
Issues 12406 and 12395 involved changes that were needed to cetbuildtools to ensure that the ROOT 6 dictionary generator provides proper paths to header files in rootmap files.
Issues 11415, 11416, and 11894 cover the new flexible output file handling features of art, which are now substantially complete.
Issue 12236 extended cetbuildtools with new auto-generated cmake config files which allow the top-level CMakeLists.txt to be greatly simplified for the mrb build environment.
There will be a call for contributions email soon for the summer art Users Meeting, which is on Fri, Jun 17, 2016, the day after the Fermilab Users Meeting.
The art team is looking for presentations on using art features to fulfill experiment needs, with a length about 15 to 30 minutes.
Already tentatively lined up are presentations from the Mu2e experiment on good FHiCL usage to implement data processing workflow configurations, and from the Muon g-2 experiment on how to do software development with art on Apple Mac machines.
Finally it was noted that the Mu2e experiment plans on upgrading to ROOT 6 in the July time frame.