Stakeholder meeting notes – 2016/08/11

by Paul Russo

Attendees: Tim Doody, Chris Greene, Chris Jones, Kyle Knoepfel, Chris Greene, Paul Russo, Luke Simmons, Robert Kutschke, Gianluca Petrillo, Lynn Garren

art v2_02_02 released.

Release notes here:

Issues <a href=”″>9794</a>, <a href=”″>13446</a>, <a href=”″>13450</a>, and <a href=”″>13467</a>, were resolved.

art workbook’s Toy Experiment will now be updated in concert with art as of art v2_02_02.

mu2e is going to proceed to art v2 and GEANT 4.10 in 2 steps.

Rob wants to built canvas and art against the old CLHEP for slf5 and slf6, and wants to tag that as the first step.