by Kyle Knoepfel
Herb Greenlee, Robert Hatcher, Tom Junk, Gianluca Petrillo, Kanika Sachdev
artists: Lynn Garren, Chris Green, Kyle Knoepfel, Jim Kowalkowski, Marc Paterno
Chris reported more performance improvements for cetbuildtools. Kanika had sent a message mentioning that setup of NOvA software was rather slow. After investigation, a ups caching system that the artists had put in place 6 months ago was accidentally deactivated. By reactivating it, a factor of 10 improvement was achieved in ups setup.
Marc mentioned it would be helpful to hear how much the cetbuildtools improvements help those who build on gpvm machines. LArSoft v04.03.01 includes the cetbuildtools configuration improvements as reported at the 3/19 stakeholders meeting. Gianluca, however, reports that the time spent before building LArSoft is still on the order of minutes. It was determined that this is due to the cmake generation part of the build, which cannot be improved from the art side of things.
We looked through the list of recently resolved issues. Marc requested that emails be sent to interested parties for each issue to determine if they can be closed.