Stakeholder meeting notes – 2015/09/24

by Kyle Knoepfel in Events

David Adams, Chris Backhouse, Kurt Biery, Patrick Gartung, Ken Herner, Chris Jones, Tom Junk, Rob Kutschke, Adam Lyon, Gianluca Petrillo, Brian Rebel

artists: Lynn Garren, Chris Green, Kyle Knoepfel, Jim Kowalkowski, Marc Paterno

Results products and producers:

Chris reports that the Results products and producers should be ready very soon.

Restricting process and and product instance names:

A proposal was made that process names and instance names will be restricted to alphanumerics—i.e. any sequence of letters and numbers. This is to facilitate simpler parsing when using keep/drop commands. Question is when such a check should be made. Rob K. proposed that a call to produces/reconstitutes is the correct place to check—this allows existing files to be read, but disallows future use of unsupported names.


The problems that were causing test failures are all fixed. The art team will next verify that art root files produced with ROOT5 can successfully be read in with art that uses ROOT6.

Future releases:

There was agreement that the following art versions would be released:

1.16 – Results producers and FHiCL validation
1.17 – All other features on the stack modulo ROOT6
1.18 – Feature list from 1.17 + ROOT6

Using art/LArSoft services outside art

Dave Adams presented a proposal for testing art/LArSoft services outside of the art framework. His talk is here:

To summarize, he has introduced a class (ArtServiceHelper) that provides access to art/LArSoft services from outside of the art framework executable. He would like people to consider the possibility of LArSoft or art adopting such a class.

There was discussion on the matter; no consensus was reached. However, Marc said he would circulate an email to the art-users list to gauge interest.