Stakeholder meeting notes – 2016/01/14

Stakeholder meeting notes - 2016/01/14 by Paul S Russo


Christopher Backhouse, Tim Doody, John Freeman, Lynn Garren,
Patrick Gartung, Ken Herner, Chris Jones, Kyle Knoepfel,
Rob Kutschke, Gianluca Petrillo, Paul Russo, Erica Snider



New features:

* SAM metadata inheritance
* Memory & TimeTracker db bug fixed (nfs).

Acturus Issues

* Flexible file output handling scheme

The requirements gathering phase is finished, and development
work is about to begin.

New Issues

* #11118 SelectEvents setting should respect filters by default

Survey complete. Choice of 0, 1, or 2(a,b).

 0) No change.  Default to always write all events.
 1) Required if there is a filter in any trigger path.
2a) Default changes to "only write events that pass all trigger
2b) Default changes to "only write events that pass one or more
    trigger paths."

nova: 1
muon g-2: 1

lariat: 0 or 1
larsoft: 0 or 1
dune: 0 or 1

uboone: 0
mu2e: 0
darkside: 0
artdaq: 0

Marc Paterno pointed out that there is still a lot of confusion
about what filters and output modules do.  He will send out an
email with a pointer to the art/LArSoft course material on the
topic, and a wiki page with documentation on the subject has
been created.

It was decided that email will be sent out with a more detailed
explanation and another poll will be taken with the choices
limited to options 0 and 1.

* Drop "noex" from SelectEvents syntax

A new wiki page has been created with SelectEvents

Disallowing the "noex" spelling for "noexception" was proposed
for safety and there were no objections.

* Ubuntu builds of software

Builds of everything we distribute are available for the
Ubuntu long term support release 14.04 LTS, and in the future,
16.04 LTS.  There is one caveat, ifdhc uses the OSG client
tools which are only available for Scientific Linux, so this
product will not work as expected unless and until the OSG
client tools are available for Ubuntu.  It was however noted
that ifdhc will work on all platforms when an xrootd path is