Stakeholder meeting notes – 2016/08/18

by Paul Russo

Attendees: Christopher Backhouse, Tim Doody, John Freeman, Lynn Garren, Chris Green, Chris Jones, Kyle Knoepfel, Rob Kutschke, Marc Paterno, Gianluca Petrillo, Brian Rebel, Paul Russo
art v2_03_00 was released.

Release notes at:

Marc Paterno explained that the art workbook toy experiment is now shipped with art.

Marc Paterno announced that there will be TimeTracker and MemoryTracker database schema updates in the next release of art.

Rob Kutschke explored possible tools for producing standard plots of the TimeTracker and MemoryTracker information.  Marc Paterno will follow up on this with Rob.

Lynn Garren reminded people that mu distributions are produced only upon request.