Stakeholder meeting notes – 2017/11/16

by Paul Russo

Attendees: Michael Baird, Lynn Garrenm Kyle Knoepfel, Rob Kutschke, Gianlucca Petrillo, Paul Russo

There will be no stakeholders meeting next week due to the Thanksgiving holiday.

The second art multithreading forum meeting will be at  2 PM on Fri. Dec 1st, WH2NW Black Hole.

New art features coming for v2.10.0:

  • additional error checking for art: –validate-config to check for invalid path configurations

Resolved Issues

  • slow mrb install on MacOS Sierra.  This is caused by the cmake rpath processing for MacOS executables and libraries and cannot be fixed.  The workaround is to not use mrb local products, simply run from the build area.

New art features in progress:

  • new database access features for conditions
  • multithreading

MacOS Support

Yosemite is no longer supported by Fermilab.  High Sierra support is still being worked on for art.