by Paul Russo
Attendees: Lynn Garren, Chris Green, Kyle Knoepfel, Rob Kutschke, Adam Lyon, Marc Paterno, Paul Russo
art v2.07.03 has been released. Note that v2.07.00, v2.07.02, and v2.07.01 were steps along the way and were never released.
Release notes at
Changes to watch out for include:
- Ubuntu 14 is no longer supported.
- The only compiler qualifier supported is e14 (GCC 6.3).
New features:
- Thread-safe art-provided services
- New DatabaseConnection service
- EventIDMatcher and EventIDFilter, a new EventID partern-based comparator functor class and filter
- New python extension module for the fhicl ups product which converts a fhicl file to a python dict
- A succinct memory summary is now printed at the end of art jobs
- Constructing a ServiceHandle<MyService const> is now allowed
- A new convenience function for retrieving the art::InputTag corresponding to a retrieved product is now available
- The time tracking feature now keeps track of event i/o time
A number of bugs have been fixed, see the release notes for details.