by Paul Russo
Attendees: Lynn Garren, Chris Green, Herb Greenlee, Chris Jones, Tom Junk, Kyle Knoepfel, Rob Kutschke, Evan Niner, Marc Paterno, Gianluca Petrillo, Paul Russo
New Issues
Request for a more compact event range representation by Mu2e. The problem is that a file produced by an older version of art can end up with a very large set of event ranges of validity when processed by newer versions of art. To solve this problem a more compact representation has been developed which can be chosen optionally by a fhicl parameter. The new system will not work properly if subruns span input files so the new form is optional.
The result of the MacOS High Sierra poll is that the experiments wish the art team to continue supporting art on the MacOS. Chris Green notes that the team is investigating using a non-Apple clang compiler for these releases in the future.
Lynn Garren reports that ups v6.02 is undergoing testing. This release will allow ignoring the Linux kernel version when deciding the flavor. This is very important for running inside of containers.