Attendees: Lynn Garren, Tom Junk, Kyle Knoepfel, Rob Kutschke, Paul Russo, Saba Sehrish, Hans Wenzel, Matti Kortelainen, Fernanda Psihas
by: Paul Russo
The art v3 port of larsoft is nearly complete. The experiment repositories need a little more work. It should be noted that this does not mean larsoft is thread-safe, just that you can build and link the larsoft libraries with art v3. Making the code safe to run with multiple events in flight will require a great deal more work.
The mu2e experiment has an idea for a new event mixin source. This is under discussion.
The art v3.02 release is being prepared. It will probably be released after macOS Mojave becomes supported by lab, which will be either the end of this month or the next.