Stakeholder meeting notes – 2019/02/07

Attendees:  Kyle Knoepfel, Paul Russo, Matti Kortelainen, Lynn Garren, Karl Warburton, Chris Green, Rob Kutschke, Herb Greenlee, Rob Hatcher, Saba Sehrish, Tom Junk
by: Paul Russo


art 3.02.01 was tagged today

  • Includes fix in cetbuildtools
  • No functional difference from art 3.02.00

There will be an upcoming art fix to allow data products containing std::bitset.

Change in stakeholders meeting schedule

  • The Feb 21st meeting will be the last meeting held on a Thursday
  • The next meeting will be on Tuesday, March 5th, and the new schedule will be every other week at 9 AM, in alternation with the LArSoft Coordination meeting.

mu2e reports they have successfully switched to art 2.12.

microboone asked if there is a way to have art skip some but not all output streams for some input files. This became a discussion of handing the workflow for repairing failed jobs.